Celebrate Babies in Action Celebrate Babies in Action

Our actions to make this world more baby-friendly

Initiatives for Babies Who Need Special Care

Babies born prematurely, babies with low birthweights, and babies born with medical conditions that require special treatment. Pigeon’s Tiny Birth Cry Support Project is designed to help these babies enjoy healthy development and bring peace of mind and happiness to their families.

Nursing Bottles for babies with weak sucking

Every year, around 20 million babies enter the world with birthweights of less than 2,500 grams (around 5 lb 8 oz).* Low-birthweight babies have weaker sucking power, which can make it hard for them to get the nutrition they need. Pigeon developed a nursing bottle allowing babies with weak sucking to drink and has provided it to babies around the world since 1985.
* Source: Japan Committee for UNICEF homepage

  • Nursing Bottles for babies with weak sucking

  • Nipple

    • Point 1Soft, think silicone rubber for ease of latching

      The silicone rubber nipple tip is soft and thin-walled enough to latch onto even for babies with weak sucking.

    • Point 2Shaped for little mouths

      Slimmer tan Pigeon’s standard products, the nipple is designed to fit snugly in the corner of little mouths.

    • Point 3Direct attachment for ease of use and cleaning

      Because the nipple attaches to the bottle directly, it is simple to attach and remove and easier for hospitals to clean, disinfect, and sterilize.


    • Point 4Low-volume bottles for hospital use

      We supply 50ml bottles to hospitals for babies who still drink only small amounts of milk or formula.

      *Compatible with SofTouch Peristaltic PLUS direct attachment nipples.

Preemie Care Pacifiers

Premature and low birthweight babies require many treatments, procedures, and tests. Each one is a painful experience, and pacifiers are given to babies during NICU procedures as a way to ease that pain. Pigeon’s Preemie Care Pacifiers incorporate a range of innovative design features to make life easier for premature and low birthweight babies.

  • 早期産児おしゃぶり「Preemie Care」

    • Point 1Weighs just 5grams – about as much as a 100-yen coin

      Premature and low birthweight babies have weaker muscles around their mouths. To allow them to suck on this pacifier longer, it was designed to weigh just 5grams This is about as much as a 100-yen coin.

    • Point 2Perfectly sized and oval-shaped for little mouths

      The base of the pacifier is oval-shaped and perfectly sized for little mouths.

    • Point 3Asymmetrical by design

      The pacifier’s asymmetrical design helps ensure that it doesn’t hit the mattress of fall out of babies’ mouths when they are on their side.

      • Preemie Care pacifie (Asymmetrical)

        Preemie Care pacifie

      • Pacifier for general use (Symmetrical)

        Pacifier for general use

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